In a Time Before COVID...

It is hard not to think about Isle Royal NP, Theodore Roosevelt NP, and the handful of other places I planned but didn’t go to this past year… Nevertheless, here is a look back to a kinder time.

July 2019 - Hummingbirds in Western Colorado

I really can’t say enough good things about professional wildlife photographer Mark Smith. Mark is incredibly gifted and hard working. His photography speaks for itself, but if you want to hear him talk all about it and the beautiful animals he encounters, you can check out his YouTube channel as well. I spent five days with Mark in the mountains of far western Colorado shooting these beautiful and tiny creatures, discussing music and life, and appreciating tacos. I also met a few other photographers who were all fantastic people. Below are a few shots from that trip. I don’t know if I really nailed the one gallery-worthy shot, but I have about a thousand like these, and that’s not so bad.

Summer-Fall 2020 - Birds, Squirrels, and Other Backyard Thrills

The season of quarantine gave most people a newfound appreciation for their local parks and preserves. Heck, even back yard bird watching became a national pastime for a few weeks. While I rarely have more than a few robins in my yard, I do have some opportunistic squirrels. Of course, birds weren’t the only reason to watch the skies. Comet NEOWISE came along like some celestial exclamation point to make sure you never forget the summer you stayed within a block of your home. Don’t worry if you missed it. It will be back in 6700 years. I eked out one tortured image in my backyard. The light pollution was as oppressive as the mosquitoes. Also, that nifty shot of the moon was handheld and taken during the day… from my backyard.