Sandhill Crane Migration - November 2022

The holidays are a busy time for most, but I was excited to add one more celebration to the list this year, the fall sandhill crane migration in Indiana. I’ve been told by a number of people that the migration is an incredible sight, and thanks to my good friend and professional guide, Adam Sell, it didn’t disappoint. Adam set up a full day of birding. We had some close encounters with a few hawk species, a stubborn kingfisher, many cranes, and even a few deer. In between sightings, we had time to sample some smoked duck jerky... it was categorically awful. With most of the day (and that jerky) in the rearview mirror, we headed to Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area for the sandhill finale, joining the crowd and watching the thousands of cranes fly in and gather as the sun set. The DNR estimated that there were 30,000 cranes in the area. I’ll take them at their word. I lost count.

If you are interested in birding in the midwest US or anywhere in North, Central, or South America, you can contact .