Newfoundland Is Beautiful

The title says it all. Newfoundland is profoundly beautiful. From breathtaking landscapes and wildlife to warm-hearted locals, the province is an absolute treasure. In the summer of 2022, I embarked on what ended up being a 7,000 mi road (and sea) trip from Chicago, Illinois, to St. John’s, Newfoundland, and back again. I covered just about every vehicle-accessible area of the island, and a few that weren’t. From the capital city in the southeast to L’Anse aux Meadows in the extreme northwest, every mile of this place is worth the effort.

Whether you are a photographer or not is irrelevant, it would be impossible to overstate just how achingly gorgeous this place is. Having said that, I was in Newfoundland for photography, and it did not disappoint. Landscapes, lighthouses, birds, whales, moose, and caribou were all plentiful and the light was amazing. You can see many images from this trip spread across my galleries.

While the serious photography was stellar, you don’t need 20 lbs of gear to find the magic here. What you see below are just cellphone pics of the in-between times. A sunset snap from the side of the road, an especially good meal, a seaside park found by accident, these turned out to be some of my favorite moments.